But safe: hahncargo offers the latest safety standards

By continuously adapting to the very latest security standards and regularly investing in our infrastructure, we can always ensure that we meet all the necessary requirements and also have a good feeling that we are always well prepared.

The training and certification of our employees and the continuous inspection of our systems are our priorities. To a certain extent, we are committed to comprehensive security concepts that go beyond simple camera surveillance. Our security processes encompass a wide range of measures:

  • We carefully check freight using X-ray equipment, trace detectors and other recognized security methods
  • Our on-site security personnel receive regular training in accordance with the requirements of the relevant authorities to ensure that they are always up to date
  • The entire team strictly adheres to the safety guidelines of the German Federal Aviation Authority (LBA) and the EU safety regulations.

Our state-of-the-art X-ray system can also screen large quantities of goods at extremely high speed and, thanks to its high penetration depth, can also be used by the explosives detection dogs on site, also known as Explosive Detection Dogs (EDD).

HCS will grow strongly in 2024

New investor in HCS has sound cargo expertise and the aim of further developing HCS. Broad investments are planned with purchases of the latest technology, including

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Reopening of border checkpoint

The EU Commission has positively assessed the review of the renaming of the RP-Hahn Airport border inspection post. In addition, the EU Commission has informed us that the change in the EU database

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